Your Guide to Different Types of Label Printers and Their Purpose

Have you ever wondered how labels are made? They’re something we see and use every day. They’re on our food, delivered packages, hygiene products, at restaurants and at festivals. They’re created to keep us organised and are a helpful tool to keep us informed. They hold important information about expiration dates, ingredients, numbers, details, prices and much more. Labels are made by label printers. There are different types of label printers for different labels. They all have a specific purpose and features that make them unique.

Shipping Label Printers

shipping label printers

Shipping is a crucial part of our lives right now. Most of us order our clothes, furniture, food and appliances online, and they need to be delivered to our doorstep. But before sending them to use, businesses need to label them first. The label will have the most important delivery information like address, postal code, name, type of product and other details. So, it’s important for the supplier to have the right label printer.

There’s a big variety of high-quality shipping label printers they can choose from. It’s crucial that they choose a top-tier printer that’s simple to use and produces readable labels. They can choose between direct thermal and thermal transfer printers. See which one works best for them. They also need to make sure the printer is compatible with the devices and shipping platform they have at hand.

The printing resolution is also something to consider. A higher DPI (dots per inch) means a better, high-quality print on the label. The images will be sharp and the text clear and readable. Go for at least 300DPI to get the perfect labels for your products. This will be good for your business because when the customer receives the package, they’ll notice the quality of the label and be happy about it. It’s the little things that matter.

The printing speed refers to how many labels can the printer produce in one minute. The speed can vary from one printer to another. Some can do 30 labels per minute, and some can go up to 1,000 labels per minute. Depending on your demand and needs, choose the speed you need. Every business needs a different-sized label, so before you buy the printer, make sure it’s suitable for the label sizes you need.

The method which the printer uses to connect to your computer is also something to consider. It can have a USB port which means a physical connection with a cable. An ethernet connection with a cable that connects to the network. Or a wireless connection without cables through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. This is the perfect choice if you’re using the printer in different locations throughout the day. Keep these factors in mind and you’ll find the perfect printer for your needs.

Mobile Label Printers

Mobile printers are mainly connected through a Bluetooth connection. It has an ergonomic design because the person who makes the labels has to hold it in their hands all the time. And you don’t want something uncomfortable or bulky in your hands during the 8-hour shift in the warehouse.

Additionally, this printer often has some memory where you can store and save fonts and graphics. This allows you to save some time and be more efficient. There are models with an auto-pairing option which is very convenient. In addition, they have a USB cable, just in case. The newer products work with bigger operating systems such as iOS, Android and Windows. Plus, some of them are water and dust-resistant, great features for a warehouse printer.

Desktop Label Printers

shipping label printers

Just like the shipping label printers, desktop printers can also be thermal transfer and direct thermal. They’re very fast printers and can print up to 150mm of labels in one second. They also have excellent picture quality and an intelligent leap-over. This means that the printer can recognise an empty label and skip to the next one automatically.

Modern versions use less energy because they have a power-saving mode while not in use. They are perfect for use in manufacturing, aviation, healthcare, transportation, and logistics since they are powerful and efficient. Some of them have an auto-cutter and peeler and can keep 300m of ribbon inside. Best of all, they’re very simple and easy to use.

Inkjet Label Printers

The Inkjet label printer is very common. It’s even more commonly used than the wireless shipping label printer. Manufacturers are constantly looking for methods to make their products better, faster, and more effective. This is the to-go printer if you want the labels in colour. Another fantastic feature of this printer is its affordability and the production of clear images at high speed.

They perform exceptionally well in fast-paced, demanding environments. Some of them can print out 27cm of labels per second and can handle a high volume of labels without a problem. You can be confident that the labels that come out of an inkjet printer won’t smudge, smear or fade. This is the right product if you need labels with sharp and clean barcodes and readable text.

Wireless Label Printers

shipping label printers

Wireless label printers are portable printers you can take anywhere with you. Just as the name suggests you don’t need cables to connect them to your computer. As long as you have a wireless connection, you’re good to go. There’s a backup plan if the connection fails of course.

This is a great tool to have in management facilities and warehouses where you need to do a lot of walking. They’re easy to use, lightweight and can print up to 70mm of label in one second. They only print in black and white and can work with Windows, iOS and Android operating systems.

Wristband Label Printers

This printer is made for one purpose only. To print bracelets, or identification wristbands. It’s mainly used in hospitals, festivals, conferences and concerts. It’s a very small, lightweight device you can take anywhere. It’s also easy to handle and even people with no experience can do it.

Industrial Label Printers

Industrial label printing can sometimes be challenging. These printers require a ribbon if they’re thermal transfer. If they’re direct thermal, you don’t need a ribbon. They’re very durable, budget-friendly and can print up to 28mm of label per second. These printers are made of metals such as aluminium and have double folding doors. There’s also an LCD display where you can track progress, manage settings and make adjustments.

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